En Marzo presentamos…

La letra de la canción de la Pantera Rosa.

¿Sabías que tenía letra?

Puedes ver el vídeo en Youtube en http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oo2wcFUKYwc

Think of all the animals you ever heard about
Like rhinoceros and tigers, cats and minks
There are lots of funny animals in all this world
But have you ever seen a panther that is pink

Think! a panther that is positively pink

Well here he is The pink panther, the pink panther
Everybody loves a panther that’s pink
He really is a groovy cat
And he’s a gentleman, a scholar, he’s an acrobat

He’s in the pink, pink panther
The rinky-dink panther
And it’s as plain as your nose
That he’s the one and only truly original
Panther pink from head to toe

Yes he’s the one and only truly original
Panther, pink panther from head to toe.

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